Gideon MacLeish, Gideons Trumpet, rated as number three on this site can be thanked for the title of this blog, it is taken from a response to a welcome blog he made. Link
Citizen)Gideon MacLeish
Reply #1
You missed the mark WIDELY on all of those, Jennifer! You are little more than a tampon in the crotch of a menstruating demon!
This man has latched onto the idea that I am Jennifer1 and has in the process had a seizure and taken to stalking me now, his harrassment is not unlike the harrassment Baker is giving Shadowwar, the only difference is; this is vile beyond words.
Attacking someone for being someone whom they are not and in the manner you have done is your bad.
MacLeish you wear your badge of shame and dishonor with a gleefulness that exceeds even that of a two year old having its first clown party.
You are arrogant beyond measure and put yourself forward as a gangland boss on this site constantly along with the other usual suspects, you are not above censure as you like to think you are.
Perhaps it is time you were confined to your blog for a while to contemplate your use of the english language and to reassess your infringments of the TOU and other rules.
Your behavior in the last few hours - evident on my blogs and your own is nothing short of harrassment.